The Fast Food Meal Adele Eats "At Least Once a Week"

It's one of our favorites, too.

Everyone has those few beloved celebs that they find incredibly relatable—maybe because of their personalities or simply because they like something you enjoy as well. For us foodies, we love a celebrity who isn’t afraid to share their guilty pleasure snacks—or admit that they eat at a fast food restaurant. Because, let’s be honest, who doesn't have fast food at least every once in a while?

And if there’s one celebrity who has never shied away from sharing her true favorite things, it’s Adele. The Grammy Award-winning singer told her Instagram followers that her favorite type of chip—or as she calls them, crisps—is Prawn Cocktail Walkers with Worcestershire sauce dumped over them. We tried the combo earlier this year, and to our surprise, it was actually really delicious. 

So, when we saw an interview with Adele and “British Vogue” where she tried a dozen infamous British dishes, we knew it would have some great fun facts sprinkled in. And, boy, were we right. 

Adele on a pink and orange background

Getty Images/Allrecipes

Adele’s Go-To Fast Food Order

Not only did we learn that Adele swears by the full English breakfast, which consists of bacon, sausage, eggs, black pudding, baked beans (with Worcestershire sauce, as Adele likes to eat them), tomatoes, mushrooms, and toast, as a hangover cure, but she also shared what she would want as her last meal. Spoiler alert: it’s not a British dish.

Instead, Adele says she wants her final three-course meal to be from McDonald’s.

“My ideal meal, my death row meal, my last meal would be a McChicken Nugget with a Big Mac and then fries,” she said.

We get it, Adele; there’s nothing quite like the McNuggets, Big Mac, and World Famous Fries from under those Golden Arches. 

And, don’t think just because it’s her final meal request that the singer is saving her McDonald’s order for the future. Oh no, Adele says she eats the combo “at least once a week.” 

With so many trips to our beloved Mickey D’s, it’s a good thing that Adele carries Heinz ketchup in her purse—because what’s a fry without a dab of ketchup?

“I carry little sachets of Heinz ketchup everywhere with me,” she said. “Beyoncé has hot sauce in her bag, I have Heinz ketchup.”

Between the love of Heinz, the trips to McDonald’s, and her competitive nature as she’s trying to guess the British dishes while blindfolded, we can’t help but love Adele that much more.

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