Chef John Mashes Korean BBQ Short Ribs with a Classic Teriyaki Marinade

Something delicious happens when you combine a Korean BBQ cooking method and cut of beef with a classic teriyaki marinade.

One of the most frustrating things about this job, and there really aren't that many, is trying to share an easy and truly delicious recipe when you have no idea what to call it. This isn't a Korean barbecue recipe, but I wanted everyone to understand that we're using the same cooking method and cut of beef rib you get at a Korean barbecue.

I also needed to communicate that the marinade was a classic teriyaki, but I didn't want that word leading off the title, since this was about the cut of meat and technique and not the specific flavorings. So, I added it to the end, which seems kind of awkward. I could have added the extra word "style," as in, Korean-style, or teriyaki-style to the name, but then the title becomes too long for my taste.

Or, I could have gotten rid of the Korean part altogether, and described the cut as "flanken style," which is the other name for this style of beef rib, except very few people know what that is, at least compared to the number of people who have heard of Korean barbecue. Anyway, I'm really burying the lead here, which is that these were incredibly flavorful, take only minutes to prep, and after the marination step, are ready to grill up in about 5 minutes, which is why I really do hope you give these a try soon. Enjoy!

Get the recipe for Chef John's Korean Barbecue Short Ribs Teriyaki.

Korean Barbecue Short Ribs Teriyaki
Chef John

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