Coffee is more than just a routine, it’s a beloved ritual. A good mug in the morning can truly make all the difference in your day. And we don’t all have the luxury of enjoying a leisurely cup of coffee at home or lingering about a coffee house. So, if you’re one of those people who need a quick cup on the go—whether you’re a weekday commuter, burning the midnight oil, or in need of a lift on a road trip—let us help you decide where to pull through.
As you can imagine, trying several fast-food coffees brings a good amount of palate fatigue, bouncing back and forth between them (literally thanks to caffeine jitters). Mostly, it further accentuates the ones lacking in flavor, emboldening the blandness. On the opposite end of the spectrum, there’s the overly acidic, which, unlike the bland, can luckily be remedied with the addition of cream and sugar, if you’re open to that.
Sara Haas
How I Tested
The winner of the fast food coffee taste test scored head and shoulders over the rest, but I went ahead and ranked them all for good measure. First, I tasted the coffee black, then it was doctored to my personal preference (in to-go packaging terms, two creams and two sugars per 12- to 16-ounce cup). Encouragingly (and possibly surprisingly) tasting with cream and sugar yielded the same results as the unaltered tasting.
Fast Food Coffee Taste Test Results
6th Place: Burger King
Sara Haas
It felt odd ordering coffee from Burger King. Perhaps it was because I didn’t know they offered it or maybe it was because I’ve never heard anyone talk about it. After tasting it, I knew why it wasn’t BK’s best-kept secret. It came out blazing hot, too hot to handle, and way too hot to drink. After removing the lid and letting it sit in my cup holder for five minutes, it was finally cool enough to test. It only took a few sips to determine this coffee is sad. It was flavorless and worse than any instant coffee I’ve ever had. I’m not sure cream or sugar could’ve saved it. Thanks for trying BK, but I’ll stick your burgers next time.
5th Place: Wendy’s
Sara Haas
I debated about whether or not to include Wendy’s or to disqualify it. This is because they put the cream in for you and it will come as no shock to anyone that it was way too much for me. All I tasted was milk and there was no saving it. What does their coffee taste like? I don’t know. Next time I'll try the Frosty Cream Cold Brew instead.
4th Place: Chick-fil-A
Sara Haas
Chick-fil-A must be oddly confident in its coffee since I wasn't asked about cream or sugar and wasn't given any. It was a little astringent and just about too acidic, but not bad (especially after adding my own accouterments). It would be especially good with a signature Chick-fil-A brownie.
3rd Place: Dunkin'
Sara Haas
Is it possible to go to Dunkin' and not order coffee? I suppose it is, but nothing tastes better than coffee with donuts. I ordered my coffee black and it came out perfectly hot. I lucked out and got a freshly made batch, which alleviated any worry about having to taste a stale cup. The coffee was good, not great. It had decent flavor but didn’t exactly excite me. I’d call it average or just a bit above average. I’d order it again, but only if I get a seasonal donut to go with it.
2nd Place: McDonald's
Sara Haas
This is a solid cup of road Joe. There’s a reason the “McCafe” is a staple for so many, a glowing beacon in the wee hours of the morning on the highway. It’s not especially bold, but it’s definitely smooth and it’ll get ya goin’. It's also one of the cheapest deals at just about $1.00.
1st Place Winner: Sonic
Sara Haas
As the carhop placed the cup into my hand, I knew Sonic was going to be the number one fast food brew. How, you ask? The words “Green Mountain.” I’ve been familiar with this brand since my youth, through its partnership with Bruegger’s Bagels, a national (though more prevalent in the Northeast) “New York style” bagel chain. This single-origin, 100% Arabica coffee was a breath of fresh air after muddling through the other drive-thru coffees. It doesn’t hurt that their business model is focused on sustainability, conservation, and better pay for farmers, making game-changing strides for global fair-trade coffee.
If that doesn’t hook you, just think about this—offices and businesses all over make and serve Green Mountain coffee from K-cups, being one of the first coffee companies to transition to the Keurig single-serve model. Is it any wonder it’s the consistent, dependable choice for the commute to the office, too?