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  1. FuntimeFla

    FuntimeFla Porn Star

    Jan 25, 2020
    When this is over Russia should be divided into at least 5 separate countries.
    • Like Like x 1
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    2. Ficxa 479
      Let s just wait and next conflict where US army starts. We ll beef them up with arms ,so that you gonna shit with blood.
      Ficxa 479, Apr 10, 2022
    3. Ficxa 479
      Poor Ukraines just can not figure out that they are used by you. You never cared of them, never even knew where Ukraine is. But we needed this war, it is just a beggining of smth more deadly. But you see ppl . At this moment Russia is too strong for ya. If not we d have seen your brave marines in Ukraine. But you don t cause you know what risk it for your exsistence .
      Ficxa 479, Apr 10, 2022
    4. FuntimeFla
      Hilarious !
      FuntimeFla, Apr 11, 2022
  2. thinskin

    thinskin Porn Star Banned!

    Dec 29, 2008
    Kicked out!

    1. Ficxa 479
      US also has been resigned , some little time before. So what, what,
      Ficxa 479, Apr 10, 2022
  3. thinskin

    thinskin Porn Star Banned!

    Dec 29, 2008

  4. hannahsbigdaddy

    hannahsbigdaddy Stoned Always

    Apr 5, 2014
  5. Ficxa 479

    Ficxa 479 Porn Star

    Feb 2, 2016
    Folks you seem so valueing human life, but an expression collateral victim, and damage was created by you. What does it mean, can anybody take a responsibility and answer it. How many so colled collateral victim were made by US army, that is scared to put a boot on a ground before everything is destroyred by air hits. I guess nobody would answer.
    • Disagree Disagree x 2
    1. hannahsbigdaddy
      So Russian forces didn't bomb anything huh? You truly are delusional. Blaming past wars for what you're doing now has nothing to do with anything.
      hannahsbigdaddy, Apr 10, 2022
    2. Ficxa 479
      I knew that no one would. You turn a blind eye. Or you just swallowed it.
      Ficxa 479, Apr 12, 2022
    3. hannahsbigdaddy
      You're the ones with blind eyes. You just keep swallowing Putins load everyday
      hannahsbigdaddy, Apr 12, 2022
      FuntimeFla likes this.
  6. Dearelliot

    Dearelliot Porn Star

    Aug 9, 2018
    I suppose we feel about you being in the Ukraine, the same way you felt about us being in Vietnam....Neither of us belong there.
    • Like Like x 1
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    1. Ficxa 479
      Man you start making sane statements, what is it that you smoke? I dont think that you mean ......
      what is allowed to Jupiter is not allowed to the bull
      Ficxa 479, Apr 10, 2022
    2. Dearelliot
      So do you think you were right back then during the Vietnam days?
      So if we were wrong back then, obviously you realize you are wrong today...

      We aren't arguing about killing innocent people in past wars, that's water under the bridge..we are talking about killing innocent civilians in todays wars.
      Dearelliot, Apr 10, 2022
      FuntimeFla and hannahsbigdaddy like this.
    3. Ficxa 479
      We don t committ war crimes, those fake news you talk about got to be investigated, proved and only after that you may make sucha clame, tell me if I m wrong. A man is innocent untill proven guilty by the evidence. So don t run before the train, wait till it is proven.
      Ficxa 479, Apr 11, 2022
    4. hannahsbigdaddy
      Ok I'll tell you you're wrong.. You're wrong. We're all seeing it. You can't because you're being censored by your pathetic leader. Every news outlet can't be fake news since ALL of them are reporting the same thing.
      hannahsbigdaddy, Apr 11, 2022
  7. hannahsbigdaddy

    hannahsbigdaddy Stoned Always

    Apr 5, 2014
    That's not collateral damage when you're TARGETING civilians dumbass. You really need to learn military tactics. Russia is bombing CIVILIAN dwellers not military camps. Destroying cities for no reason. Which is a war crime. But keep supporting that Fixxy.
    1. Scotchlass
      Look up the "Grozny" strategy. That's what the Russians do. Kill tens of thousands of civilians while laying a city to waste.
      Scotchlass, Apr 10, 2022
      FuntimeFla and hannahsbigdaddy like this.
    2. hannahsbigdaddy
      But using civilians isn't the military way. Russians have always used tactics that are suspect. Now it seems they're showing their true colors. Marking bombs "for the children". Sick.
      hannahsbigdaddy, Apr 10, 2022
      FuntimeFla likes this.
  8. Ficxa 479

    Ficxa 479 Porn Star

    Feb 2, 2016
    Here another example of Russian army bravery, Russian pilot killed himself with hand grenade not to fall in hands on terrorists..........
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
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    2. Ficxa 479
      It is not question of when it happened , it is a case of morale, ideology,
      Ficxa 479, Apr 11, 2022
    3. hannahsbigdaddy
      Just shows Russian cowardice. That's all I see. That's not a morale booster. None of your fellow communist supporting child killers is going to jump on a grenade. They would rather give up. It's all over our news reports how cowardly the Russian soldiers are. Hahahaha
      hannahsbigdaddy, Apr 11, 2022
      FuntimeFla and latecomer91364 like this.
    4. latecomer91364
      Oh, so we should applaud a Russian Pig Pilot because he was too cowardly to be taken alive by the people whose women and children he had been killing indiscriminately.

      Gotcha, comrade...
      latecomer91364, Apr 11, 2022
    5. Ficxa 479
      Those exact words you gonna hear from me when ever American dies. And don t blame me for that. If you seed wind, you gonna harvest hurricane. there is no other.
      Ficxa 479, Apr 11, 2022
    6. hannahsbigdaddy
      You don't make sense fixxy. You just called him a Russian pig and an American? Don't worry we all wish the best for you Russian scum as well.
      hannahsbigdaddy, Apr 11, 2022
      FuntimeFla likes this.
  9. Lxv200

    Lxv200 Porn Star

    Mar 2, 2018
    Now in knows what it was like to be hit by bomb fragments and the pain he infected on helpless civilians
    1. Ficxa 479
      Your words show who are you , I don t have to explane it .
      Ficxa 479, Apr 11, 2022
    2. FuntimeFla
      It wouldn't make sense if you did!
      FuntimeFla, Apr 14, 2022
      hannahsbigdaddy likes this.
    3. hannahsbigdaddy
      Since he's only a dump truck driver he wouldn't know anyway.
      hannahsbigdaddy, Apr 14, 2022
  10. Scotchlass

    Scotchlass Porn Star

    Dec 4, 2017
    My response to @Ficxa--
    @Ficxa said, Of course for you cowards it is not only bullshit, it is unbelievable, cause it means sertaine death. But I guess US marines didn t insign for that. They join USMC just to go oversees, to see the world on a tax pairs account. They go there to earn their living by killing civiliance in shit hole countries, that no one gives a damn. It is wonderful life, to fight those poor countries. One day we ll deliver it to home land just for to taste the smoke of explosive, to hear mortar shell coming down, just to enrich your live with bad memories. Like you did to other countries. Only one country in a world can do it, only one country in a world that bends not before you. Сarthage must be destroyed.......

    I may be a smartmouth a lot of the time, but I rarely write overtly bellicose posts like that which follows. And while I'll get a ton of negative comments on this post about what I foresee for Ukraine, I don't care about that either. @Ficxa, you and @Funtime seem to have a furious little tête-à-tête going on here, and I'm kind of getting a little tired of it. But you really need to back off disparaging US marines just to twist his tail; many of us here take that personally and it certainly doesn't advance your argument.

    What he doesn't yet understand is that given the current circumstances – I'll say that again, given the current circumstances – Russia can no more lose in eastern Ukraine than the US would lose in Mexico. (Many will claim this makes me Pro-Russia or Pro-Putin. It doesn't and I'm not. I think Putin is a rational actor who is an evil man. Just like our leader is a low-IQ dolt suffering from dementia. Putin looked at Ukraine, then made a calculation which, while delayed, seems to be paying out. )

    The Ukrainians are probably among the toughest people in the world. They have put up an incredible resistance to the Russian invasion and shown the world that there are glaring weaknesses in Russian military doctrine and training. Despite that, the end of this invasion is entirely predictable given the forces Russia has available against eastern Ukraine. I don't like it and I wish it were not so. But this is a fact that many here either don't understand or just refuse to admit because they're somehow too emotionally invested in Russia's defeat. If Putin is willing to allow enough of his men and material to be destroyed (and it appears that he is), and if he is willing to terrorize and kill enough Ukrainian civilians (and that appears to be true), then the end of this is as certain as night follows day...

    That is, unless the west changes how it's supporting Ukraine. We're seeing glimpses of that from Europe (with Biden as usual lagging behind), and while it is probably too late to change much, we can always hope.

    As things are now, when this is over, even though Russia will be fighting an internal insurrection, it will also control all of the oil and gas potential of eastern Ukraine and Crimea, both onshore and offshore. Thus leaving Ukraine a basket case with no commodities for income except for what grain it can raise. The west will have to support an economically crippled Ukraine while Putin will have further consolidated his energy resources, making him even stronger as long as Europe continues to buy his oil and gas.

    Shifting to a different subject---
    Having said all that, as far as US marines are concerned, they may not match up well against Russian naval Spetsnaz, but they are not meant to. However, as conventional naval light infantry, they are second to none and are certainly better than the Russian equivalent made up of a mix of inadequately trained professionals and 1 and 2 year conscripts.

    What angered me most though was when @Ficxa threatened, One day we ll deliver it to [US] home land just for to taste the smoke of explosive, to hear mortar shell coming down, just to enrich your live with bad memories.

    Next, incredibly, @Ficxa followed up that gem with, Eat shit and then stip it out. It is impossible. We are the power the will brake your neck,and spine,and let Mexicans finish you.

    I have two responses to @Ficxa's comments above: 1) Sir, you seem to be a real class act, and 2) bring it on you poseur or troll or bot or whatever you are. You have no room to talk about our marines causing bad memories in Syria after what Russia did in Grozny, Chechnya. Remember that? When in 1999, during the Second Chechen War, and Vladimir Putin ordered the complete destruction of the Chechen capital of Grozny? Remember how the Russian military laid waste to Grozny, killing tens of thousands of civilians? And how proud Putin was? In his own words, how his troops had "fulfilled their task to the end."

    What you cowards have done is prove Russia does not have the logistical capability to competently invade a neighboring country on your border let alone one like ours which is surrounded by two oceans. Instead, you have to rely on overpowering force and be willing to take massive casualties -- 10 pound sledge hammer, meet one cockroach. You use the European equivalent of human wave attacks but no longer have the population (because of alcoholism and malnutrition) or willpower to sustain them. Unless you go to terrorism (which I would not for a moment discount), your only realistic option in North America is to arm a bunch of poorly trained Mexican radicals and cartel (we would prefer Russians) and hope they can somehow do something to advance your cause.

    Forget about our military for a moment. I live in rural south-central Texas and in my little county alone (a small, poor and sparsely populated county), there are over 4,000 military veterans, the vast majority of whom are volunteers ranging from PFCs up to two star generals. Multiply that by all the southern counties in Texas, New Mexico and Arizona, along with all the women in them who will also fight. I can't add in California, unfortunately, because I'm not sure whose side they'd be on, and I also can't speak for the "woke citizens" living in blue-controlled cities. But you're already seeing in Ukraine how well motivated civilians can fight alongside their military. Given our military and the weapons our civilians already have here, and both the training and willingness to fight that these people have already shown, please forget about using Mexicans as proxies. I sincerely invite you and your Russian military onto our soil by rolling over our southern border.

    Let's see who's still standing when the smoke clears.

    But please, in the meantime, no more silly threats of which we both know Russia is incapable of performing.

    PS I understood your Carthage reference. I've actually been there. Better bring tons and tons of salt.
    • Winner Winner x 2
    1. FuntimeFla
      Funny Fixxy agrees ! Evidently he knows the US would kick his ass!
      FuntimeFla, Apr 11, 2022
      hannahsbigdaddy likes this.
    2. FuntimeFla
      Considering just helping Ukraine out, with "some stuff" is getting Russia an ass kicking!
      FuntimeFla, Apr 11, 2022
      hannahsbigdaddy likes this.
  11. Lxv200

    Lxv200 Porn Star

    Mar 2, 2018
    Hi Scotchlass,
    Putin has already used terrorism in the UK in Salisbury. He used nerve gas to try to kill a Russian who did not agree with him he was badly injured, his daughter also and a english women was killed.It caused parts of Salisbury to be shut down for month's while the decontamination was carried out.
    • Like Like x 2
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    1. Scotchlass
      I remember that. It was serious stuff and a major source of tension between the 2 countries...
      Scotchlass, Apr 10, 2022
  12. hannahsbigdaddy

    hannahsbigdaddy Stoned Always

    Apr 5, 2014
    Russian soldiers are being arrested for raping tender age females. One of them is pregnant. One of them videotaped his vicious act. Let's see your comments now Ficxa explain how that's Russian bravery. Sick.
    • Winner Winner x 2
  13. hannahsbigdaddy

    hannahsbigdaddy Stoned Always

    Apr 5, 2014
    The Russian drone Orlan is a pile of shit. Many are being shot and and the Ukrainians are finding they're being held together with duct tape. Plastic water bottle caps for the fuel tanks are being used and generic Canon cameras are mounted on them instead of the high quality thermo cameras. These drones cost between $87,000 and $120,000. Hahaha. Let's take some shortcuts for cost and see how bad you get your ass kicked in a war. Dumbest army ever.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  14. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    At the Pima air museum in Tucson they have a couple of MIGS. (Just as an aside, anyone remotely interested in aviation would be well pleased to go to Tucson to tour this incredible collection of aviation history. They have planes the Smithsonian doesn't have).

    Anyway, looking at the detail on this MIG one realizes that while it is a formidable aircraft for it's time, it is built using very old technology. As just one example the rudder is mounted using what looks like traditional barn door hinges, and the skin is screwed on, not riveted. On the other hand, this thing could probably be fixed in a wheat field with common mechanics tools and duct tape.
    • Like Like x 3
    1. Ficxa 479
      Yep we make a combat planes, that easy to repair in a feild, using a hammer and file.
      Ficxa 479, Apr 11, 2022
    2. hannahsbigdaddy
      And is blown to bits with a firecracker. Sounds about right. His post wasn't praise for your cheap ass planes. Hahaha
      hannahsbigdaddy, Apr 11, 2022
      FuntimeFla and shootersa like this.
  15. CS natureboy

    CS natureboy Porn Star

    Jan 22, 2011
    Poland Officially Blames Russian Action for 2010 Plane Crash That Killed Its President and Senior Military Officers
    By streiff | Apr 11, 2022 8:30 PM ET
    Jacqueline Larma

    On April 11, 2010, a Tupolev Tu-154 Polish military aircraft slammed into a forest near the runway of a military airfield in Smolensk, Russia, killing all 96 passengers and crew. This wasn’t just any airplane crash. This was Poland’s equivalent of Air Force One. Aboard were Poland’s President Ryszard Kaczorowski, the chief of the Polish General Staff and other senior Polish military officers, the president of the National Bank of Poland, Polish government officials, and 18 members of the Polish Parliament. They were en route to a ceremony commemorating the 70th anniversary of the murder of some 22,000 Polish military officers, intellectuals, clergy, and other influential Poles by Stalin’s NKVD.


    The investigation was shrouded in controversy from the beginning. While Polish investigators were allowed on the site, they had to be accompanied by Russian investigators. Both “black boxes” were recovered intact and analyzed, but the Russians refused to let the Poles have custody of the wreckage. To add fuel to that fire was the fact that the deceased president was a staunch anti-communist who put Poland’s interests above Vladimir Putin’s, and there have been persistent rumors of traces of explosive residue found in the wreckage. For a good summary of the issues, this is a good article.

    After the initial report, other investigations conducted by the Poles that concluded there was Russian involvement in the crash.

    Today another of those reports hit the fan.

    A Polish government special commission has reinforced its earlier allegations that the 2010 plane crash that killed President Lech Kaczynski and 95 others in Russia was the result of Moscow’s assassination plan.

    The latest of the commission’s reports, released Monday, alleges that an intentional detonation of planted explosives caused the April 10, 2010 crash of Soviet-made Tu-154M plane that killed Kaczynski, the first lady and 94 other government and armed forces figures as well as many prominent Poles.

    Their deaths were the result of an “act of unlawful interference by the Russian side,” the commission’s head Antoni Macierewicz told a news conference.

    “The main and indisputable proof of the interference was an explosion in the left wing … followed by an explosion in the plane’s center,” said Macierewicz, who in 2015-2018 served as defense minister in Poland’s right-wing government.

    I don’t have the technical expertise to untangle the skein of claims, but the technical part of the investigation is a sideshow. The real issue is Ukraine and the imminent threat that Russia poses to Poland.

    Poland, you’ll recall, took the lead in attempting to supply the Ukrainian Air Force with replacement aircraft (Biden Junta Duplicity Revealed After Poland Declares MiGs for Ukraine Are Ready to Go). Poland is the country that is the focal point for supplies going to Ukraine. If the war expands, Poland will be the first target. Poland leads Europe in expelling Russian diplomats (Poland Expels 45 Russian Spies Posing as Diplomats as Fears of Attacks on Ukraine Supply Route Looms), and the Russian ambassador says relations with Poland are the “worst since WW II.” Probably not a great comparison, given that Russia collaborated with Nazi Germany to backstab and then carve up Poland.

    Reintroducing this controversy, especially the high-handed and disrespectful way Poland was treated by Russia during the investigation, at this time is a way of reminding Poles what they are up against and what living under Russian domination means. And it serves as a way of building national unity in the long term struggle to restrain Putin’s cavalier use of military force to get what he wants.
    • Like Like x 2
    1. Ficxa 479
      Poland is a long time Russia enemy so I b ve been very surprise if they ever say anything good bout Russia. Just for exemple whom your media gonna blame if your flight with president crash. Guess Who is to be blame.
      Last edited: Apr 12, 2022
      Ficxa 479, Apr 12, 2022
    2. Ficxa 479
      We were given conversation record of a polish plane pilot with traffic tower. They were denied landing due fog, and were requested to fly to the other airport. But they chose to land cause mister of defence intervened with the pilot. I Don t remember exactly how it was. I wander why it took 12 years to rise that question now. Why not after 100 years. Or one year. I guess it is Just a right time to start rumors bout it.
      Ficxa 479, Apr 12, 2022
    3. hannahsbigdaddy
      That's not what is on record. Of course you wouldn't know what is going on since you're not cleared for anything classified. Or even a pilot. Or part of the investigation team. You just run off at the mouth like you're someone important.
      hannahsbigdaddy, Apr 12, 2022
      FuntimeFla likes this.
    4. hannahsbigdaddy
      Evidence of explosive material found. So that proves you're wrong fixxy. Russia shot that plane down. But you go ahead and keep defending your fucked up country and your war crimes.
      hannahsbigdaddy, Apr 12, 2022
      FuntimeFla likes this.
  16. thinskin

    thinskin Porn Star Banned!

    Dec 29, 2008
    1. Scotchlass
      I am not sure why this is directed specifically at me.
      I'm sure that rapes are occurring and I don't think I have ever denied that....
      If I did, please post it so that I can see about which of my posts you are referring.
      Scotchlass, Apr 12, 2022
  17. Ficxa 479

    Ficxa 479 Porn Star

    Feb 2, 2016
    Now USA is most valnerable cause your all super heros are old, Stalone, Van Dam, Schwarznegger, Mickey Rourq, Bruce Willis, Dolph l Lundreen, Tom Cruise, Al Pachino, Robert Deniro. Mel Gibson. :)
    • Funny Funny x 1
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    2. aesopstails
      You know who is "most vulnerable" right now? Your sons, who are being killed in Putin’s war for his own evil ego trip. And their families, who are being denied the information that their child is dead and his body was dumped in a ditch.
      aesopstails, Apr 12, 2022
      FuntimeFla and hannahsbigdaddy like this.
    3. Ficxa 479
      Our sons are defending their home land on hostile land. No one happy to do this, but we have to. And will feel sorry for them, we ll remember them. Their sacrifice for their mother land, they pay most dear their lives and their blood. Just like our dad, and grand dads have done, and it is their turn to hold our colours high. And they will do it with great personal gallantry, .
      Ficxa 479, Apr 12, 2022
    4. Ficxa 479
      Aes.... I m not inclined to restart our affairs, so if you promise to hold yourself within sertaine limits of decency, we may argue.
      Ficxa 479, Apr 12, 2022
    5. hannahsbigdaddy
      Defending your homeland on hostile land? So invading another country for the purpose to eradicate them. You're making no sense Commie. And they're rapists and child killers. Nice people you live with. But they're gonna get what's coming to them. Real cowardly move there Russia. Nothing gallantly there. Scum of the earth.
      hannahsbigdaddy, Apr 12, 2022
    6. FuntimeFla
      Lets not leave out the effort to steal Ukraines resources, and access to the sea ! Putin is a thief !
      FuntimeFla, Apr 13, 2022
      hannahsbigdaddy likes this.
  18. Ficxa 479

    Ficxa 479 Porn Star

    Feb 2, 2016
    • wtf wtf x 2
    1. Ficxa 479
      what s wrong beautiful lady, good tune. What s your trouble. smth wrong again?
      Ficxa 479, Apr 12, 2022
    2. hannahsbigdaddy
      Russia is the trouble.. and you putting up songs like everything is ok. When it's not.
      hannahsbigdaddy, Apr 12, 2022
      FuntimeFla likes this.
  19. Ficxa 479

    Ficxa 479 Porn Star

    Feb 2, 2016
    Like Putin........
    1. hannahsbigdaddy
      Yup just like Putin.. unavailable.
      hannahsbigdaddy, Apr 12, 2022
      Odins own and FuntimeFla like this.