PSA: Your Reusable Water Bottle Is Dirtier Than You Think

Here’s how often you should be washing it.

hand taking off lid of reusable water bottle

Jatuporn Tansirimas/Getty Images

We all have that one emotional support water bottle that we can’t live without. Whether it's Owala, Hydroflask, a Stanley, or any other brands out there, there’s that one water bottle that never leaves our side. But with how often we use it, we’re not thinking about how much dirt builds up on and inside the water bottle. And quite frankly, they get pretty dirty. 

How Often Should You Be Washing Your Reusable Water Bottle?

Despite your water bottle only being used for water, trust me, it gets pretty darn dirty. In a recent survey, it was found that water bottles have about 40,000 times more bacteria than a toilet seat. That’s pretty nasty. That same survey found that only about 62 percent of people clean their water bottle once a day, 25 percent clean them a few times a week, and only 13 percent only wash their water bottles just a few times a month. Unfortunately, I fear I am in that 13 percent. So just how often should you be washing those water bottles? Most say daily. If you don’t at least sanitize your water bottle daily, it can become a breeding ground for bacteria, such as E. coli. And we all remember those moldy Owala bottle caps from last year. So here’s how you should clean that water bottle.

How to Clean Your Reusable Water Bottle

  • Clean your water bottle daily. Using hot water and a sponge or bottle brush, scrub the bottle (inside and outside) and scrub it. And don’t forget about that pesky rubber lining on the cap if you have it! Those are notorious for harboring germs and bacteria if not cleaned properly. Rinse all parts thoroughly before assembling again. 
  • If your water bottle is dishwasher-friendly, you can disassemble and throw it in the dishwasher. Just be sure to dry all parts thoroughly before putting it back together. 
  • If cleaning your bottle is too much to do daily, you can sanitize your water bottle with vinegar overnight. Fill the bottle one-fifth of the way full with white vinegar and the rest with water to dilute it. Let it sit overnight, then rinse and dry in the morning. 
  • It may also be a good idea to swap out bottles when one is feeling a little grimy. Having a backup on hand is good just in case you can’t clean your go-to water bottle. 
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