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  1. dirtyoleman1

    dirtyoleman1 Porn Star

    Sep 2, 2011
    How many guys here have fist-fucked their wife or G/F or are their any ladies that have been fist-fucked by the sex partner or would like to have him try? Are there any ladies here who have fisted themselves while masturbating? I have tried fist-fucking my wife but so far gotten all 5 finger in her but haven't been able to get past the knuckles! Guaranteed I'll keep trying! She loves having her pussy stuffed full!
  2. msman

    msman Porn Star Banned!

    Dec 18, 2010
    When it comes to having to use your fist to get a tight fit you need to slack off the fucking for a while and let that wore out pussy get it's shape back.
    • Like Like x 1
    1. View previous comments...
    2. Jonme
      This mentioning of "a baby passing through" when discussing the elasticity of a vagina is totally wrong. There are hormonal and actual physical changes during pregnancy that enable/help a baby pass through. Many women can be so 'stretched' during birth that splitting can take place and stitches are needed. Many women are also recommended to use Kegal exercise after giving birth to help rectify any stretching.
      Jonme, May 23, 2017
      msman and reddd like this.
    3. KatieColorado
      Thanks for mansplaining that, totally what's needed. The vagina is a muscle. Like all muscles, it can stretch. Yes, there are biological processes that assist with delivery and pain management but at the end of the day, the vagina is a muscle and quite a strong one at that. It stretches. Not all women tear either. And as someone with a medical background (albeit not an OB) I'm hard pressed to find actual medical evidence that kegels are recommended, at least in North America. On top of that, it's generally the outer part of the vagina that tears, not the inner parts. In fact more often that not it's where the labia meets the vaginal entrance.

      It's easier for women who have had children to enjoy fisting because they have "muscle memory" which allows them to dilate and stretch easier.
      KatieColorado, May 23, 2017
    4. Bron Zeage
      I doubt you're going to find medical evidence that fisting leads to easy labor, whether it's true or not. I can imagine the research proposal for a grant to explore the lasting effects of fisting and it's efficacy in labor and delivery. If anything, it will make La Maze classes more more interesting.
      Bron Zeage, May 23, 2017
    5. KatieColorado
      KatieColorado, May 23, 2017
  3. dirtyoleman1

    dirtyoleman1 Porn Star

    Sep 2, 2011
    I can have 5 finger in her pussy for a few minutes and 5 minutes later her pussy will be gripping my cock like a virgin! Her pussy is just as tight now as it was before she birthed 3 babies for me! It is just more flexible!
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  4. KatieColorado

    KatieColorado Porn Star

    Jun 19, 2012
    My husband and I have engaged in it a few times over the years. I have to be REALLY in the mood and it takes a good long while to work me up to that point (no kids so takes awhile for my muscles to relax) but it's also usually a night fueled by "better living through chemistry" as well. It's very infrequent but yes, it does feel absolutely amazing when it happens but it also leaves me sore for quite a few days after and makes sex uncomfortable.
    • Like Like x 3
  5. GemmaSwinger101

    GemmaSwinger101 Porn Star Banned!

    Oct 11, 2012
    My boyfriend did it after a gangbang and I was wet and loose. Often finger fucks me before sex and he was like
    "hay, I'm fucking you with four fingers...!" so next thing he shoved his fist into my cunt, and it just accepted it.
    It was wild! He tried again another time but couldn't do it and I talked him out of trying.
    • Like Like x 3
  6. speakeasy

    speakeasy Advocate

    Aug 15, 2007
    I've done it to Nina on occasion.
    It's usually not the intent at the beginning.
    A couple of fingers inside of her while I'm going down on her. Then a few more and suddenly she just sucks my hand inside of her.
    Once inside I make a fist and press my thumb knuckle (first one from the hand, not the end) against her G-spot.
    I usually just have to hold my hand steady and she rides it like a rodeo star.
    Once she says "enough!" I will slowly pull it out.
    As the last of it leaves her, she usually cums very hard.

    Honey Have You Seen My Watch_01.jpg
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  7. VenusInFurze

    VenusInFurze Online Odalisque

    Oct 30, 2012
    I get fisted by several of my partners. I can't fist myself, my arms don't seem to be long enough. I have had partners whose hands were too big for fisting, but I'm always willing to try it.

    Getting the thumb joint past the pelvic arch hurts LIKE FUCK (bad ouch) but it feels soooooo good once their hand is all the way in.
    • Like Like x 3
    1. GemmaSwinger101
      You can hide the thumb in with the fingers, the first two to make a more gradual fist.
      GemmaSwinger101, May 23, 2017
  8. amethyst10

    amethyst10 Porn Star In XNXX Heaven

    Sep 24, 2015
    I've never been fisted nor have I ever had anyone (including myself) attempt to fist me. Doesn't really appeal to me. A good sized penis is big enough for me.
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    1. KatieColorado
      It's not for everyone but when you want to ramp it up...

      I didn't think it would be my thing either. I was worried about messing everything up down there too. Turns out everything remains fine, a bit sore after, but OMG JESUS TAPDANCING CHRIST when you get that first orgasm when you are stretched that wide open...it's emotional as fuck. :)
      KatieColorado, May 23, 2017
      GemmaSwinger101 likes this.
  9. Milo Cronos

    Milo Cronos The Sexual Intellectual

    Aug 29, 2011
    We've gone as far as a four fingered fuck, but it's affects were diminishing over a simple two fingered fuck for fun!
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  10. mdxtend

    mdxtend Sex Lover

    Jul 25, 2016
    Does she like it? I think my gf does, but take your time to finally do it.
  11. curiouskyguy

    curiouskyguy Sex Lover

    Jan 1, 2010
    Have never fisted my wife but have gotten 4 fingers in her. It's always when I too am going down on her. I start out with 1 or 2 fingers. She will let me know when she wants more. She doesn't have to say anything she will slide her feet up towards her ass and spread her legs. That is when I know she wants another finger in her
  12. Double Dee

    Double Dee Sex Machine

    Mar 5, 2013
    Most I've taken is three fingers.
  13. Jonme

    Jonme Porn Star

    Mar 24, 2017
    @KatieColorado I think that you need to do more research and you are obviously not an OB.
    Here is a further mansplain and a link to a 'simple' website which might help *not_secure_link*gynaeonline.com/maternal_complications.htm
    There are four degrees of tearing possible, from the one you generalise on; to tearing of the perineal muscle, extending as far as the anus; periurethral; and even cervical. Three of these can/will need major surgery. Also as the perineal are muscle tears they will affect what you call "muscle memory", which is itself a fallacy.
    A little more information, on both, quote : Dr Suzy Elneil, consultant in urogynaecology at University College Hospital, London - Your vagina will probably not return completely to its pre-birth shape, but this shouldn't be a problem. Dr Elneil says "We always recommend pelvic floor exercises – sometimes called Kegel exercises – to help tone the vaginal muscles and your pelvic floor muscles".
    Another factor that can affect fisting is the size of the pubic arch, which changes pre birth but returns to it normal size afterwards, a small pubic arch can obstruct the fist and can be damaged if force is used.
  14. Niceguy49

    Niceguy49 Porn Star

    Dec 26, 2015
    A couple of women have enjoyed being probed with multiple fingers but I have never gotten to get my whole hand in. Recently none of the women have enjoyed more than a couple of finger. I am older and so are the women. I would like to experience my hand inside a pussy but not an ass. Probably not going to happen.