I Tried Walmart’s New and Improved $0.97 Mac & Cheese and It Totally Lives up to the Hype

Did I mention it's less than a dollar?

Walmart's New and Improved Mac

Dotdash Meredith/Janet Maples

Macaroni and cheese is the ultimate comfort food: warm, filling, and perfectly savory. In my home, we’re mac and cheese enthusiasts and truly love it all, from classic boxed macaroni and cheese dinners to decadent homemade recipes with lots of gooey, hand-grated cheese. So when I heard that Walmart had revamped the mac and cheese available at its hot bar, I had to try it.

Instagrammer @morganchomps shared recently that on a trip to Walmart, there was a sign near the deli proclaiming the retail chain’s new macaroni and cheese recipe to be “creamier and cheesier,” made with American, two kinds of Cheddar, Parmesan, and Romano cheeses.

The best part? A small container of the creamy side dish costs just 97 cents.

I visited my closest Walmart, a Walmart Neighborhood Market, to see if I could find the mac and cheese and was thrilled to find it right on the store’s hot bar at the deli, next to foods like chicken wings and mashed potatoes. While there was no sign advertising a new formulation, the associate who served up my cheesy dish confirmed the recipe had, indeed, recently changed.

The small-sized container didn’t list a specific volume or weight, but I’d estimate my 97 cents bought me an eight-ounce container of macaroni goodness. The container was packed full and closed with a plastic lid. I grabbed a fork, checked out, and—just under a dollar later—I was headed to my car to try the warm, cheesy treat.

The verdict? Walmart’s mac and cheese is really good. So good, in fact, that I returned for bite after bite, quickly polishing off the entire container. The flavors are creamy and cheesy with notes of saltiness from the Parmesan and bite from the sharp Cheddar, but the mildness of the American cheese gives it that classic all-American mac and cheese flavor that’s been delighting Thanksgiving dinner guests for years. In short, it tasted like something your grandma could have made.

woman holding walmart mac and cheese container

Terri Peters

Would I order macaroni and cheese from the Walmart deli again? Definitely. At under a dollar for a fresh-tasting, premade serving, it’s something I’d order a few of to keep in my fridge to reheat during the week. What’s better than on-demand, delicious, homemade-tasting comfort food, after all?

The only thing I loved more than the flavors of this revamped mac and cheese recipe was the price. I’d be unable to buy ingredients and make my own for under a dollar. For that reason alone, I’m a forever fan.

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