Customers Are Complaining About Trader Joe’s Bread—Here’s Why and How To Fix It

If you've ever thought your TJ's bread molded too fast, you're not alone.

An image of a plate of moldy bread on top of an image of a Trader Joe's bread aisle.

Getty Images/Alamy

If you are as big of a Trader Joe's fan as we are here at Allrecipes, then you might have found that it seems your TJ's bread always spoils faster than bread from other stores. Don't worry, it turns out you aren't imagining things. Reddit users recently expressed concerns about Trader Joe’s bread spoiling at a fast rate, claiming to have had experiences where bread purchased from Trader Joe’s seemed to go bad and mold quicker than usual.  The conversation sparked a lot of interest among users, including Trader Joe’s employees who offered tips for buying and properly storing bread to prevent early spoilage. Here’s what we learned. 

Why Does Trader Joe's Bread Mold Faster?

“While I do not personally have experience with Trader Joe's speed of mold growth, it is possible that it grows more quickly, and I make this assumption based on the significantly lower amount of preservatives present in TJ's breads and other food products,” says registered dietitian Trista Best, MPH, RD, LD. Trader Joe's is indeed known for not using artificial preservatives in its products and this is especially true of the bread, according to many of the Reddit users on the thread, including some who have worked for the brand. “TJ's doesn’t have preservatives in their bread products like most companies do, and thats why it’s recommended to freeze what you don’t use shortly after you buy it!,” wrote Reddit user ctilleyy. 

Trader Joe’s packaging may also be a culprit, which many users addressed. Reddit user JemiSilverhand wrote, “My local bakeries sell excellent loaves that last for about a week. TJ's bread is bad in 1-2 days. This isn’t about preservatives in the bread, it’s about how it’s stored. A lot of TJ's bread is frozen for shipping, and if it warms up it gets condensation in the bag. That promotes mold, before it even leaves the store.” 

Speaking of shipping, another reason Trader Joe's bread might be going bad more quickly is because like many other grocery store bakeries, TJ's doesn't make any products on site. Therefore, all of the breads have to travel after they are made, meaning by the time they get to the store they already aren't as fresh as possible.

How to Prevent Mold Growth on Trader Joe’s Bread

To slow mold growth in any type of bread, it should be stored in a dry, cool place away from direct sunlight. But many users suggest refrigerating right away, including a former TJ’s employee, and Redditor roughrider_tr, who wrote, “Former TJ’s employee here: all TJ’s labeled not contain artificial flavorings or preservatives—your bread should be kept refrigerated. It’s not refrigerated at the stores because we sell through it so quickly.” In fact, some stores have signs that specifically tell customers to refrigerate at home due to the lack of preservatives in products. 

A lot of users suggest freezing the bread, especially since many breads are frozen when they arrive at the store. User Uberchelle wrote, “I get French bread a lot there and it comes out of the back frozen.” Another Redditor IDontKnow54 said, “The English muffins and ‘artisan’ breads like brioche and focaccia are shipped and held in back stock frozen, so I agree that it is sensible to freeze it.”

Want your bread at room temp so it's ready for eating at any time? Try using a bread box. “A bread box with ventilation holes can help maintain the right balance of moisture and air circulation, which slows down mold growth,” Best says. Cleaning the bread box regularly is very important, so be sure to clean and dry it after each use to avoid moisture buildup, which leads to spoilage and mold. You can also add an absorbent pad. “Place an absorbent pad or piece of paper towel at the bottom of the bread bag to absorb excess moisture,” Best suggests. 

Best also suggests storing in a paper bag, which allows for better air circulation. If bread from Trader Joe’s has plastic packaging, you might want to transfer the bread to a paper bag at home.

And, of course, only purchase the amount of bread you’ll realistically finish in time. Don’t go crazy on deals just because they exist—it can backfire.

Finally, be careful how you handle the bread so you aren't introducing bacteria. "Avoid cutting bread with bare hands,” Best says. “Use clean utensils or disposable gloves when handling bread to prevent introducing mold spores."

Simply put, for optimal use and maximum shelf life, be smart. Consume by the expiration date, store in the right areas and packaging, and refrigerate, or better yet, freeze, right away. If you still have concerns, you can always speak to a Trader Joe’s staff member to inquire about storage tips. 

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