Aldi Has a Copycat of a Discontinued '90s Treat

Childhood nostalgia never tasted so sweet.

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Growing up, I thought nothing was truly a celebration until an ice cream roll was involved. It felt like a fancier version of an ice cream cake. For my family, that typically meant a Jubilee Roll from Friendly's around the holidays. But the Jubilee Roll, as fond as I am of it, has got nothing on the Viennetta.

Viennetta was popular in the '80s until its discontinuation in the mid-'90s. In 2021, Viennetta returned, much to our delight. Less delightful, though, is the fact that it can be hard to find. Luckily, Aldi has a copycat of our favorite fanciest ice cream treat.

Aldi Has a Copycat of Viennetta

Spotted by The Amazing Aldi on Instagram, Aldi has a frozen dessert that looks surprisingly reminiscent of the nostalgic Viennetta. The Sundae Shoppe Layer Frozen Dessert Cake bears the same wavy patterns of ice cream and alternating layers of chocolate. Aldi also has a caramel version, with alternating layers of ice cream and caramel. 

This isn’t the first appearance of the Aldi version of the iconic dessert. It popped up about a year ago, too. In a Reddit thread at that time, commenters gave it points for nostalgia as well as taste. One commenter said, “If only 13yo me could see me now, buying veinettas all willy nilly,” while another said, “It was delicious and we ate it while watching the Viennetta commercials on YouTube, lol.”

If you, too, have deeply fond memories of eating Viennetta or desperately wanted to but never got a chance, now is the time to embrace the nostalgia—especially because this product is likely only available for a limited time. 

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