Food News and Trends King's Hawaiian Just Got Some Serious Competition Summer recipes just got even better. By Bailey Fink Bailey Fink Bailey Fink is a devout home cook and assistant editor at Allrecipes. She has written over 200 stories covering everything from cooking methods and storage techniques to grocery shopping on a budget, how-to guides, product reviews, and important food-related news. Allrecipes' editorial guidelines Published on May 14, 2024 Close Photo: Dotdash Meredith Food Stuidos We know how much you love to use subtly sweet, super soft Hawaiian rolls for sliders, sandwiches, French toast, and even stuffing. We do too, which is why there’s always a package of King’s Hawaiian rolls, buns, and bread in our pantry and freezer. King’s Hawaiian may be our tried and true, but recently more bread brands have begun releasing their own version of the delicious sweet bread—and even some private labels, too. So, as if you didn’t have enough to choose from between King’s Hawaiian, Nature’s Own, Pepperidge Farm, and private store labels already, your decision just got even harder, because Sara Lee Artesano Bread has entered the game. Sara Lee may be known for its cakes, but the bakery-style Artesano breads are some of the best store-bought breads on the market. The line of bakery breads is small but beloved, with only a few different loaves, buns, and rolls on the market. However, that lineup is now expanding by two with the addition of the new Hawaiian Bakery Bread and Buns. Sara Lee Introduces New Hawaiian Bread Sara Lee/Allrecipes Sara Lee is entering into the sweet Hawaiian bread market for the first time with two new products: sliced bread and bakery buns. The thick-sliced loaf and buns have the same soft, pillowy texture as all its Artesano breads, but with the hint of sweetness and touch of saltiness you expect from Hawaiian bread. The new Artesano Hawaiian loaf will make the perfect upgrade to your summer sandwiches, bread puddings, and French toast. The buns are great for recreating the beloved Firehouse Subs pulled pork sandwich and Arby’s fish sandwich, or simply used to build the perfect burger on Memorial Day weekend. As of now, Sara Lee doesn’t offer slider sizes for its Hawaiian bread, so you’ll still have to turn to King’s Hawaiian for those mini sandwiches that are perfect for potlucks and tailgates. Sara Lee Artesano Hawaiian Bread is available at all major retailers nationwide now, but the Hawaiian Buns are hitting stores exclusively in the Southeast for now. Hopefully, we’ll get a bigger rollout soon, but for the time being, we’re just grateful for more bread to sweeten up mealtime. Was this page helpful? Thanks for your feedback! Tell us why! Other Submit