Pop-Tarts Has a Brand-New Flavor Inspired By a Diner Staple

Get your favorite diner flavor from your toaster.

pop tarts general burst


Back in July, Pop-Tarts gave fans something they have been wanting for a long time: a promise of the return of Frosted Strawberry Milkshake Pop-Tarts. The brand announced the returning flavor would be on store shelves this fall. What Pop-Tarts didn’t announce at the time was that there would be a second diner-inspired flavor coming this fall.

My first job waiting tables in college was at a New Jersey diner, so I am intimately familiar with the traditional huge diner menu that usually includes breakfast all day, which is my favorite thing about diners. Still, with pages of menu item choices, to this day I almost always order pancakes, as do many other diner patrons. Pop-Tarts' latest release is meant to bring that diner pancake experience to your home kitchen toaster. 

Pop-Tarts' Latest Flavor Innovation

Pop-Tarts newest release is Frosted Chocolatey Chip Pancake. While I am a tried-and-true Frosted Strawberry fan, I’d be willing to give this new variety a try. Pop-Tarts describes its new flavor as “a fresh off-the-griddle pancake stack just like your local diner would make.” They have chocolate chips in the filling, that, if you choose to heat up your Pop-Tarts, offer a “burst of melty chocolate chip flavor in each bite.” The pastry is topped with maple-flavored icing and sprinkled with chocolate chip flakes.

box of pop-tarts chocolatey chip pancake flavor with pancakes surrounding


Some of Markie_Devo’s followers on Instagram are pretty excited about this new flavor innovation. “Oh my goodness neeeedddd,” said one. “I'm definitely trying this!” said another. And, another commenter let his intentions of buying them be known by using a GIF with the words “Shut up and take my money!”

How to Get the Newest Pop-Tart Flavors

Until December, you’ll need to head to Walmart to get both the Frosted Chocolatey Chip Pancake and Frosted Strawberry Milkshake Pop-Tarts. You’ll find 16-count boxes of both on the shelves. In December, both flavors will roll out to other retailers nationwide.

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