The Pillsbury Treat Fans Call 'The Best Rolls My Family Has Ever Had' Are Back

These are perfectly suited for the warmer months ahead.

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Is it possible to eat a cinnamon roll without icing? Believe it or not, it is. We have a delicious recipe for the icing-less pastry, Ninety-Minute Cinnamon Rolls, that has over 1,900 very favorable reviews and enough buttery, cinnamony filling to keep them from being dry. But let's face it. For many of us, the icing is one of the best things about a cinnamon roll.

Whether you make the gooey rolls from scratch at home, buy from a specialty store such as Cinnabon or your corner bakery, or buy the cans from the grocery store's refrigerated section, we want that pastry slathered in icing.

Usually, that icing is vanilla-flavored. But Pillsbury just brought back a limited-time cinnamon roll with an icing flavor perfectly suited for the warmer months ahead.

Pillsbury Cinnamon Rolls with Peaches & Cream Icing

If you've ever had Pillsbury's Grands Cinnamon Rolls, you'll know they're large rolls—just five to a can—made with Cinnabon cinnamon. Each canister comes with a small cup of vanilla icing that gets spread onto the rolls when they're hot out of the oven.

For a limited time, Pillsbury brought back its Cinnamon Rolls with Peaches & Cream Icing. They bake up in about 25 minutes, and Pillsbury says they "provide a sweet reason for your family to gather around the table."

On Pillsbury's site, one reviewer said, "These were the best rolls my family has ever had." Another described their taste as "a lot like a peach pie without the fruit." 

When Snack Betch introduced them to Facebook followers, commenters had excellent suggestions: "I like them. And will buy again! But thinking of pouring a can of peaches in the bottom of the pan next time!" (Sounds smart!) As far as the peach-flavored icing tasting like fresh fruit, one commenter described it this way: "Imagine someone made icing out of those gummy peach O rings you can buy... it's that."

If peach is your thing, grab these cinnamon rolls sooner rather than later. Like Pillsbury's Cinnamon Toast Crunch Cinnamon Rolls and Pillsbury's Pumpkin Spice Rolls, they'll only be around for a limited time. And if you want the best results, try cooking them in the slow cooker

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